A Year in Pictures

I've decided that I need to be a little more proactive at reflecting on the good fortune in my life. I have so much to be thankful for and so many talents that I need to nurture. I love taking pictures so what better way to get a look at the great things going on around me than to document them in photos. I think it is important for me to journal about the photos too, more of a way for me to reflect and remember rather than boast or bore you!
I hope this works!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday February 25, 2011

Huddle Up!
I'm working with a group of students on a bully prevention program in conjunction with the Argos.  The kids are making a stop motion video to kick off the assembly with our football player.  I'm so proud of the work that they are doing and I'm having a lot of fun working with them.  This is only one of a series of photos that will go into the video.  Once it is complete, you must see it!  I'm not sure of my rules around posting video on my photo blog but this stuff is really cool.
You'll see!

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