A Year in Pictures

I've decided that I need to be a little more proactive at reflecting on the good fortune in my life. I have so much to be thankful for and so many talents that I need to nurture. I love taking pictures so what better way to get a look at the great things going on around me than to document them in photos. I think it is important for me to journal about the photos too, more of a way for me to reflect and remember rather than boast or bore you!
I hope this works!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday February 12, 2011

OK, this is the before shot!
  I know it is a crazy mess but it is my office/craft room and I dumped everything in here knowing that I would re-decorate it but now... it is driving me crazy.  I need help.  Serious help.  I'm not sure where to start.  I know some of the things that I like and I even know a few colours but I really want it to be fantastic!  I would love chocolate brown and light blue as my main colours but am wondering if I can keep my office furniture or will i need to replace it.  It's not out of the question to replace it with what will work but it's knowing where to start.  One of my strengths is working hard but sometimes knowing what to do is the hard part.  So if you have a flare for decorating (Judy) or a keen interest in planning or organizing (Laurie) 
I'd love to hear from you! 
All ideas are welcome...and yes, I will post the final product...eventually! 

1 comment:

Diva Loca said...

OH MAN! Where to begin? I wish I knew because i have the same problem at the new house.

A few hints...

You want some open storage and some closed storage (hide the stuff you don't use often) and keep the other stuff out in the open.

I LOVE my white scrapbook storage pieces from Michaels. They hold 12x12 paper PERFECTLY.


You can mix and match the pieces and they often go on sale at Michaels or use 40% off coupons!!!

MOST importantly is to have an extra table/space for a siter/friend :)

I have a few other craft space inspiration pictures on my Tumblr account...


Hope that helps sweets!

me :)